14 February 2012

Love - Beyond Valentine's Day

World over, it’s time again to show loved ones how much they’re desired and appreciated, and how much we really love them. And pretty soon, our streets will go agog with celebrations of love….even though many do not fully understand the real meaning of love [no thanks to societal philosophies and ideologies].

Yes, and that's why I think the truth needs to be told and affirmed, again and again. 

Love is beyond romantic getaways, red rose buds and expensive gifts and even terrific sex! 

Love is more about Reality than Fantasy; Giving than Receiving; giving more and not keeping score; Listening than Talking; Honesty than Pretence; Trust than Suspicion; Compromise than Confrontation; Tolerance than Impatience; and Forgiving when there’s no reason to!

Real love will forgive and ‘forget’ and will not keep record of wrongs. It will not retaliate or accommodate bitterness either, but will patiently love – even when experiencing heartaches.

Real love is soft but firmly rooted in strength and honesty.

It applauds the success of the other person, and also knows how to handle its own wins when they come. It is not proud.

Real love will never ask you or pressurize you to prove your love by doing something that is wrong.

It can suffer the pain of betrayal, separation, and even ‘irreconcilable differences’ and yet continue to work for the good of the other person. That’s real love for you.

For two people in love, it is not the exchange of expensive gifts or the excitement of romantic getaways that will make the relationship last long. It is the precious moments shared together with God. Truth is, God honours earthly unions and is particularly delighted when a man and woman come together in holy matrimony, and continue as one in the love and knowledge of Christ. 

Tough or ‘old school’ as this may sound, it constitutes the standard test for love that is true. 

As we celebrate love this season, perhaps it’s a good time to look inwards and consecrate what is left of our relationship or our marriage, and then strive to maintain its purity. Between U and I, God’s standard hasn’t changed; true Love upholds virginity and keeps the marriage bed undefiled.

Happy valentine's day!

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