19 November 2009

Echos of the hart.......

Welcome and thanks for stopping by again......

November saw me embarking on a Do it Different’ journey, exploring the eleventh wonder of the world, and getting the eyes of my understanding enlightened. It’s been fun yet extremely challenging, given that it’s so easy to remain in one’s comfort zone; you know, as in “this is how everybody does it, and that’s how I’ve been doing it for years without issues, so why bother changing it”. I mean, who doesn’t like what they’re familiar with?

Personally, I like to work recipes from Southern Nigerian because I’m quite familiar with the local spices and stuffs. And trust me, I don’t disappoint. But you see, things grew from yellow to red over the last couple of weeks and there came a day when I suddenly developed this appetite for a local delicacy [what it’s called? o-y-o!] and I looked in my cupboard, and lo it was empty save a few …… yet yours truly was determined. So I set out and lit my stove… for frying I boiled, for grinding I chopped, and did a few other tricks and boom, a love portion was on the table!

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction” – Winston Churchill.

Okay away from food now, it suffices to say that you may not fully appreciate yourself-worth until you do something differently or change something. This ‘something’ can well be anything from brushing your teeth to reading your bible. And for a thing as simple as speaking or relating with people differently, we may save ourselves and others a whole lot of trouble.

Sometimes, it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever” – Keri Russell.

The blessedness of doing things differently appears too numerous to number. Depending on what changes you make, you stumble on new discoveries, unleash latent potentials and also improve your everyday relationships.

Change always comes bearing gifts” – Price Pritchett

Looking inwards, what can you say is different about you? Is there something different about you now since the last time I checked?

What can you do differently?



Anonymous said...

funny i just did a post about change too... how have you been??

Sasyrebecca said...

O yeah? Seems like i'm becoming a genius like u! I'll look it up to c if we think alike.....lol

Hope u're good?
